Keynote Speech
There is a growing availability of heterogeneous processing platforms, combining CPUs, FPGAs, DSPs and GPUs. Specific processing algorithms require specific, dedicated processing units optimized for their particular tasks. To be able to program and integrate these processing units in a consistent and comprehensible manner there is an ever increasing need for a system level programming model. The fact that both universities and industry are spending a lot of effort on this subject, illustrates the need for these kind of solutions. Within Topic we have done years of research on this subject, resulting in commercial product, which we released in 2015. During this keynote we will give you in depth insights in our vision on programming models and the impact of these on architectural choices of our solution.
Dirk van den Heuvel (49) is principal consultant, specialized in system integration and design methods for heterogeneous embedded systems
consisting of FPGAs and processors. He has broad experience with scientific, research and design projects and contributed to research programs
executed jointly by universities and industry, some funded by STW and EU stimulation programs. Based on years of design experience he developed
in-depth knowledge of embedded design methods and technologies.
Within Topic Embedded System he is responsible for technological concepts and architectures as well as the products roadmap.